With Iran continuing to flex its military muscles with Wednesday's ballistic missile tests, Defense Minister Ehud Barak issued a strongly-worded warning on Thursday evening, warning Tehran that Israel would not hesitate to resort to military action.
"This is a challenge not only for Israel but for the entire world. The focus now is sanctions and diplomatic action. Israel is the strongest country in the region, and it has proven in the past that it is not afraid to act when its vital interests are threatened," Barak said in an address at the Labor party's Tel Aviv headquarters.
The defense minister urged, however, for caution. "The responses of our adversaries must be taken into account. Hamas, and Hizbullah, and the Syrians, and the Iranians – there is activity all around us. And there exists a potential for confrontation," he said.
"On the other hand, there is also potential for accords, particularly with the Palestinians and the Syrians. We have a moral responsibility to make the most of any chance to reach an agreement with our neighbors. But the considerations are very complex, and we need to see ahead, to work around the obstacles to ensure Israel's security."
"We must work towards an accord – but if not, then we must strike our enemy when it is required."
'Our moral duty to bring captives home'
Barak also addressed the prisoner-exchange deal with Hizbullah. "We hope to see the finish line of our fight to bring Udi and Eldad home," he said, referring to kidnapped IDF soldiers Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev.
"We have a moral obligation as commanders to bring home soldiers who go out on missions in the country's name. It is our duty to tell the truth to the public and to the families if it becomes apparent that the boys have been killed, it is our duty to say that. Meaning – their return should not be delayed by Hizbullah ploys."
The defense minister warned that Hizbullah continues to grow stronger. "There is a constant erosion of (UNSC) Resolution 1701. Over the past two years they have doubled and even tripled their arsenal of rockets, and these cover the entire country," he said, adding that Hizbullah now maintains far closer ties with Syria.
Regarding the ongoing negotiations to secure the release of Gilad Shalit, Barak said: "There is a window of opportunity now, created by the ceasefire. It is important for us to take advantage of this window, and it is important that the tough decisions be made in Jerusalem and not in Gaza.