They were united by their love for the Land of Israel and the feeling that what took place in 1929 must never repeat itself.
The Pearl brothers loved to take pictures, and today, when they are no longer with us, many photos have remained telling the history of the era and perpetuating the country's landscapes at the time.
The photos were given to us by their children: Atzmona Waxman Shabtai, Daniel's daughter, and Naftali Pearl, Shmuel's son.
In the coming weeks we will present a four-part series featuring a selection of photos taken by the late Daniel and Shmuel Pearl.
5. Daniel with a friend, at the foothills of the Ein Zeitim community
6. Young Beitar member in the Safed fortress, on the backdrop of the Scottish church
7. Near the Safed fortress. Shmuel commands a group of Beitar graduates, 1936
9. In the 2nd Maccabiyah stadium in Tel Aviv, 1935
10. A trip to the Yarmukh River. Photo: Daniel Pearl
13. In 1933, Mrs. Sarah Levy (a rich Zionist Jews from Australia) bought land on Mount Canaan in a bid to establish an artists' district in the area. The artists, however, failed to show up, and the place was turned into a hotel and an apartment building for Safed families who wished to leave the city. The housing was better than in Safed's homes, with electricity, water and even lavatories. In 1936, bloody events broke out in the country and Mount Canaan was abandoned
17. A trip to Mei Marom (Hula Valley), Sukkot 1934. Photo: Shmuel Pearl
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