
Didn't hesitate. Gaydamak
Photo: Dudi Vaaknin

Gaydamak pays for Palestinian's life-saving heart cath

Faiz Alhamed suffers heart attack during Friday prayers at Temple Mount, Russian-Israeli business mogul covers hefty hospital bill

Despite reports of alleged economic difficulties he is facing, Russian-Israeli businessman Arcadi Gaydamak recently saved a 78-year-old Palestinian by covering his hefty hospital bill.


Faiz Alhamed collapsed after feeling ill during last Friday's prayer session at the Temple Mount and was evacuated by a Red Crescent ambulance to Jerusalem's Bikur Holim Hopital, which is owned by Gaydamak.


The Palestinian was diagnosed as suffering from a heart attack, and the medical staff determined that he was in urgent need of a cardiac catheterization.


The cost of the procedure was estimated at NIS 50,000 (about $13,800). Alhamed could not come up with the money and was forced to return to his home.


Hospital officials decided to confer with Gaydamak on the Palestinian's predicament, and the business mogul immediately offered to pay for the surgical procedure himself, thus saving the Palestinian's life.


The catheterization was performed by Dr. Zahi Huri.


פרסום ראשון: 09.14.08, 17:07
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