
Settlers near Hebron
Photo: AFP

Settlers attack Palestinian home in Hebron

Arab family reports settlers hurling rocks and bottles at home near illegal 'Federman Farm' outpost; settlers say they were provoked by left-wing activists

A Palestinian home was damaged Sunday evening after a group of settler youths, most of them adolescents, pelted it with rocks and glass bottles. The house is located near the ruins of the illegal

'Federman Farm' outpost – which IDF and Border Guard forces twice evacuated and demolished last week.


The settlers said they attacked the house following provocations by Palestinians and left-wing activists who arrived there earlier in the day with the explicit intent of goading the Jewish residents.


The Palestinians claim however that the settlers rioted, hurled rocks and bottles, and also breached the fence separating the Federman Farm from the Da'ana family's home. A group of left-wing activists are currently barricaded in the Palestinian house, including foreign nationals and Israelis from 'Rabbis for Human Rights.'


One of the Israeli activists, who gave her name as Hilela, said she was "ashamed of what the settlers are doing. How can you not be ashamed when they are attacking a family in its home, when no one has

raised even a finger for over half an hour. There are about 15 settlers throwing rocks at us now. Through the organization (Rabbis for Human Rights) we contacted the police, but so far there as been no response."


The homeowner, Khalifa Da'ana, told Ynet he is utterly helpless. "For days now we've been bombarded, and nothing is being done to stop it," he said. "I don't even know who to turn to, or who to complain to. I'm afraid there will be another confrontation within the house. Last time it was a miracle there were only injuries, and no one lost their life."


Efrat Weiss contributed to this report


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