
'Wild West.' Dayan
'Continued damage.' Weiss
Photo: Ido Erez

Yesha Council: Banish Daniela Weiss from Hebron

Danny Dayan says former Kedumim head, violent Jewish youths causing continued damage to settlement enterprise, ruining chances of saving disputed house in West Bank city

Following the violent clashes surrounding the expected evacuation of the disputed house in Hebron, Yesha Council Chairman Danny Dayan lashed out against the Jewish youths in the West Bank city and their leaders.


"Daniela Weiss and the youths who are not permanent residents of Hebron must be sent away from the city," he told Ynet on Wednesday, "If they are allowed to stay it may result in disaster."


A tense calm prevailed in Hebron on Wednesday morning, but overnight police apprehended three right-wing activists suspected of hurling stones at a Border Guard patrol in the city's Jabel Johar neighborhood. There were no reports of injuries.


Weiss, the former head of the Kedumim settlement, told Ynet Tuesday night "Our struggle is absolutely legitimate, and so I'm not trying to control the youths.


"I think the minister of defense (Ehud Barak) should make the decision to allow us to stay in light of the evidence and the fact that the house was purchased legally and everything was documented," she said.


Settler in Hebron (Photo: AP)


Dayan accused Weiss of causing continued damage to the settlement enterprise, adding that she had "crossed the line" with her conduct during the struggle over the house in Hebron.


"She is responsible for the events of the past few days and is ruining any chance of saving the house," he said.


"Weiss' conduct is causing the public to view the West Bank as some sort of 'Wild West' that no person in his right mind would want as a part of his country. After the disasters that the pullouts from Gaza and Lebanon had caused became evident, there was a consensus that Israel must not withdraw from the West Bank, and (Prime Minister Ehud) Olmert was forced to shelve his realignment plan.


"Becaause of people such as Weiss, who are a minority but taint our image with their actions, we are again dependent on (Palestinian President Mahmoud) Abbas. We can only pray that he refuses the offers Olmert is making him today, and perhaps also those that (Likud leader) Benjamin Netanyahu will make him tomorrow," Dayan added.


Turning his attention to Supreme Court President Dorit Beinish, the Yesha Council head said "her most recent rulings regarding the (disputed house in Hebron) and the evacuation of the Migron outpost are aimed at aimed at turning the settlers and the IDF against one another." 


פרסום ראשון: 12.03.08, 11:51