
Photo: AFP

Hamas: Arabs have forsaken Gaza

Group disappointed with Arab League's lack of decisive action on Gaza offensive, calls forum's statement 'ludicrous'

Hamas expressed its great disappointment with the Arab League Wednesday, after its emergency session on the Israeli offensive in Gaza resulted only in a call on the UN Security Council to urge a ceasefire in the Strip.


The decision, said Hamas, indicated that Arab nations have forsaken their responsibility for the situation in Gaza.


"The statements made in the conference were even more ludicrous and feeble than those made by the European Union. Passing the matter over to the Security Council means Arab nations have left Gaza be butchered by Israel," Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri was quoted as saying.


Earlier Wednesday, the al-Jazeera television station reported that the Arab League intended to urge the UN Security Council to demand Israel declare a ceasefire in Gaza.


Earlier still, Hamas said it would be willing to consider a ceasefire with Israel, "as long as the offer stipulates that Israel will hold all fire and lift the siege imposed on Gaza," Hamas spokesman Ayman Taha said.


The National Security Cabinet concluded its briefing on Operation Cast Lead's fifth day with a decision to forge ahead with the operation.  


פרסום ראשון: 12.31.08, 18:27
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