
Protest calling for Shalit's release
Photo: Gil Yohanan

Hamas says won’t disclose information on Shalit

Senior group member Ayman Taha clarifies negotiations for kidnapped soldier's release 'will start where we left off', adds attempts to reach long-term truce agreement will continue till February 5

The negotiations for Gilad Shalit's release won't start from zero but from where we left off, senior Hamas member Ayman Taha told the London-based Arabic-language al-Hayat newspaper in an interview published Tuesday.


"We won't disclose any information about him. In addition, this issue is being handled by the movement's military wing," he said.


Kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit's father, Noam, has been invited to meet with French President Nicolas Sarkozy in Paris on Tuesday evening.


Taha said his movement rejected Israel's demand to link between a truce agreement and a deal for Shalit's release.


"The movement will welcome any negotiations for Shalit's release in exchange for the release of Palestinian prisoners, when Israel is ready to do so, as long as the negotiations are resumed from the point we left off. We won't start from zero."


Addressing a possible truce agreement with Israel, Taha said the ceasefire agreed upon at the end of Operation Cast Lead was set until February 5 in an attempt to reach a truce deal by this date.


According to the Hamas man, during this period of time the movement's senior members will consult each other and Egyptian officials who will also talk to other Palestinian factions, in a bid to reach a truce agreement.


"We won't accept a truce agreement without a national intra-Palestinian agreement," he said.


As for Hamas' willingness to agree to an 18-month truce, Taha said, "We have been flexible towards this issue in principle, but the final decision will be discussed inside the movement. We'll consult with each other and give our answer to Egypt later on."


He said his movement would agree to a truce as long as it includes the opening of the crossings, including the Rafah crossing. "The renewed truce agreement which will be signed with Israel won't be similar to the previous lull."


פרסום ראשון: 01.27.09, 10:39
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