
London protest, during Gaza op
Photo: AP

London: Protest against IDF officer

4 arrested during protest across from London Jewish center; protesters call for reserves colonel to be put on trial

Four people were arrested, Friday, as dozens protested in London against the visit of Israel Defense Force reservist, Col. (res) Geva Rapp, to a Jewish center in the city.


British media reported that between 80 to 100 protesters gathered in front of the Jewish London Student Center in protest of the colonel's arrival. One, who was holding a 'Free Palestine' sign, attempted to scale the building and was detained after reaching a first-floor window.


According to the reports, protesters demanded that the officer be arrested. Demonstrators dispersed after a police officer announced Rapp would not be arriving.


Stewart Halforty, of the Stop The War Coalition, told British newspaper The Telegraph: "We found out that Colonel Geva Rapp was speaking here tonight from a leaked email so we assembled as many people as we could.


"It was a high-profile demonstration that could be seen by commuters from Euston station and we've got our message across."


Earlier this week, the cabinet endorsed a resolution meant to provide IDF soldiers and commanders with moral and legal backing in wake of Operation Cast Lead in Gaza.


פרסום ראשון: 01.31.09, 12:21
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