A. 1940s, youths hold semaphore on rooftop of 'graduates' house'

B. During Shfeya orchestra concert at YMCA in Jerusalem, 1948

C. Shulamit

D. Moshe in a photo with Leonard Bernstein, accompanied by dedication from famous conductor

E. Moshe with his son Ofer on motorcycle which served him in his work

F. Moshe at Indiana University, 1958
Welcome to the third and final article in the series of stories dedicated to Moshe Jacobson's work during his years at the Shfeya Youth Village. This time we will also present photos from the village's milieu, including music lessons, agriculture and games, as well as images from Moshe's private life.
Even after leaving Shfeya, Moshe continued his public and musical activity, working to bequeath the musical education to the school's pupils.
Today Moshe is a pensioner living in Haifa, and many of his past students meet and praise him. His wife Hannah passed away earlier this year.
Previous stories:
1. In the 1930s, the Shefya agricultural farm built its first "glass house" – the name given to hothouses those days. In the photo: Sir Arthur Wauchope, the British high commissioner, who took part in the glass house's cornerstone ceremony.
2. Youths with string instruments, 1940s.
Listen to Shfeya orchestra perform "In Silence":
- For all trips to the past – click here