
Border Guard drill

Preparing for outpost evacuation?

Troops 'clash' with reservists in what appears to be drill ahead of outpost removal; Border Guard: It's a routine exercise

A routine training session or an outpost evacuation drill? Border Guard forces engaged in a training session Wednesday morning that appears to resemble the removal of an unauthorized West Bank outpost.


During the drill, reservists at the training base were asked to participate in the exercise and play the role of "adversary."


Ynet was able to acquire photographs of the drill, but Border Guard officials said that the exercise in question was part of the forces' annual training program.


Preparing for evacuation?


During the drill, the reservists threw empty water bottles at the approaching Border Guard forces, while in another case, the troops were asked to raid a building while commanders were throwing various objects at them from the roof.


Defense sources said that Border Guard troops are indeed preparing for the possibility of outpost evacuation in the framework of training sessions simulating riots.


Border Guard forces


However, Border Guard officials said that despite the photographs, the drill in question was a routine training session.


The Border Guard issued the following statement: "Border Guard units in Judea and Samaria regularly train for all the scenarios and missions they deal with, ranging from terrorism to crime, riots, and more. The training session in question is part of the same annual training program."


Efrat Weiss contributed to the story


פרסום ראשון: 05.27.09, 22:50
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