
Netanyahu: Our bond with the US is unbreakable

Speaking at Independence Day celebrations at US ambassador's home in Herzliya amidst growing tensions over settlement issue, prime minister pledges Israel's ties to America are 'close and unbreakable'

"We have a close relationship with the United States, which President Obama defined in his speech in Cairo as unbreakable, and it is indeed unbreakable," Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Wednesday at the US ambassador's 4th of July party.


The event celebrating the United States' 233rd Independence Day was moved to Wednesday as the actual date falls on Shabbat.


Speaking at Ambassador James Cunningham's home in Herzliya, Netanyahu said the United States was a symbol of freedom and values, and that Israel and its citizens have a great appreciation of the country. He also noted that several streets in Jerusalem are named after American presidents.


The prime minister also briefly touched on the Iranian threat, albeit without mentioning the Islamic Republic by name: "The dangers we face today are extremist regimes, which must not be allowed to obtain dangerous weapons. This must not happen."


The prime minister ended his speech with the traditional "God bless America."


Ambassador Cunningham also reaffirmed the close ties between Israel and his country, saying Washington was committed to Israel's security and that of its citizens.


Accompanying the prime minister to the reception were Defense Minister Ehud Barak, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, Strategic Affairs Minister Moshe Ya'alon, and Minister Isaac Herzog.


Netanyahu's speech comes less than a day after Defense Minister's Barak failed to ease any of the tensions between Jerusalem and the White House over the settlement issue. Barak traveled to the US to meet with George Mitchell, US President Barak Obama's special envoy to the Middle East. The agreed to try and maintain a lower profile and there was no mention of confrontation in the joint statement the two released after the meeting.


The debate over the settlements, and America's demand all construction in the West Bank be halted immediately, will therefore be reopened in two week when Netanyahu meets with Mitchell.


פרסום ראשון: 07.01.09, 21:22
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