
Photo: AP
Hezbollah rally in Lebanon
Photo: AP

Hezbollah: Chances for Israeli strike slim

Hezbollah MP tells Asharq Alawsat Israel will never launch military campaign without US approval, which it is unlikely to get from Obama

The chances that Israel will launch a military offensive against Lebanon this year are slim, Nawaf al-Musawi, a Lebanese parliament member representing Hezbollah told the London based Asharq Alawsat Tuesday.


Responding to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's statement Monday that the Lebanese government will be held accountable for any attack on Israel coming from its territory, al-Musawi said that the Obama administration will not allow Israel to go to war in the coming year.


"Since 1956 Israel has not launched a war without getting the United States' consent, and therefore Israel's wars rely on American decisions," he told the newspaper. "Hence the question arises whether US President Barack Obama will support war in his first year in office.


"I believe that the chances for this are slim, but we must act in accordance with the Israeli threats," he said.


According to al-Musawi, "Israel's threats, and the messages it sends to the Lebanese people, including the psychological warfare against it, are designed to undermine Lebanon's demand that Israel withdraw from the northern part of the village of Ghajar and the Shebaa Farms."


The parliament member accused Israel of being a constant aggressor, forcing Lebanon to be on the defensive.


"Whenever the Israelis had felt that they can advance without encountering resistance they did not hesitate to do so; therefore resistance is essential," he stated.


פרסום ראשון: 08.11.09, 10:39
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