The atmosphere is the problematic issue here in respect to the indictment against former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. The atmosphere of hunting.
The pleasure with which the State Prosecutor’s Office tells everyone, with such great excitement, what kind of wonderful indictment it prepared against Olmert. In addition, the atmosphere of media coverage in respect to this story is somewhat problematic.
We are seeing a sort of joy, coupled with ostentatious declarations: Here is the former prime minister, and here, right next to his photo, is the long list of affairs he is being indicted over.
“For the first time we are reporting that…New revelations…Amazing information.” Superlatives are being hurled in all directions, journalists say they are shocked, righteous people are upset, but nobody stands up and says: Friends, let’s be quiet for the time being. What’s even going on here? After all, so far we know only one thing with certainty: Ehud Olmert lost everything because of all these suspicions.
This is the only certainty. He was the prime minister of Israel, he reached the zenith, and next he was dismissed and went back home; he left everything behind because he is facing suspicious. He paid the heavy price in full, while in fact, by law, he is completely innocent, as he was not found guilty yet.
I am not saying, heaven forbid, that he should not have resigned. However, once he did that, once he did what he had to do, doesn’t he deserve a little quiet? Why are we seeing this hunt? Why are we seeing this gleeful handling of his case?
Ehud Olmert is a private individual at this time. Doesn’t he deserve a just trial that is quiet and to-the-point? One that will not be decided on the street?