Will US Navy fight for Israel?
Photo: Reuters
WASHINGTON – A Rasmussen poll published Monday shows that 59% of American citizens would be in favor of granting US support to Israel if the latter were attacked from abroad.
Almost a third of those polled (29%) opposed any type of US aid to Israel's defense, and 12% were undecided. It is unclear from the phrasing of the question whether it refers to military equipment or the deployment of soldiers in the region.
Those polled were asked about a number of Western countries, of which Israel was one. Thus, 78% said they were willing to support Canada and 73% said they were in favor of granting aid to Britain.
Mexico received the same rating as Israel, with 59% saying they supported US aid to the southern neighbor in the case of an attack.
Willingness to help other countries, such as Germany, Japan, and France, was lower than this percentage, with 53% supporting military aid to Germany and 46% in favor of granting Japan and France aid. Just 45% said they would be willing to help France.