
Olmert and Netanyahu
Photo: Reuters
Captive soldier Gilad Shalit
Photo: Reuters

PM met with Olmert on Shalit

Ynet learns Netanyahu met with predecessor last week to discuss conditions of possible prisoner exchange deal for release of captive soldier

Ynet has learned that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu asked to consult with his predecessor, Ehud Olmert last week, and the two discussed the matter of a prisoner exchange deal for the release of captive soldier Gilad Shalit.


During their meeting, Netanyahu asked Olmert for the exact details of what prevented a deal from being executed in March 2009, shortly before the new government was formed.


At the time, criticism was directed at Olmert, mainly from the Shalit family and members of the campaign for Shalit's release, over his alleged retraction from understandings that had paved the way towards a deal.


Sources close to the Shalit talks told Ynet that various bodies who are familiar with the details of the deal, including the seven-minister forum, have recently presented Netanyahu with "inaccurate" information regarding the critical stage reached in talks towards the soldier's release in the last days of the Olmert government, and the factors that led to the deal being rejected.


In his meeting with Netanyahu, Olmert presented all the agreements that were reached, as well as the considerations that led to the rejection of the deal. The prime minister and his predecessor also discussed the strategic significance of the possible deal, including the release of hundreds of Palestinian terrorists from Israeli prisons.


Netanyahu asked Olmert for clarifications on the red lines that stopped him from going through with the deal. Official sources stressed that "in the meeting between Bibi (Netanyahu) and Olmert, there was no bottom line and no decisions were made."


However, Netanyahu did express "much understanding for the considerations that prevented the execution of the deal."


פרסום ראשון: 01.08.10, 14:18
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