
Grossman. Shoved by police?
Photo: Reuters
Protestor clashes with policeman
Photo: AFP

4 leftists arrested in Sheikh Jarrah

Protestors detained for questioning after approaching Jewish houses in east Jerusalem neighborhood, forcibly refusing to leave. Demonstrators: Police acted brutally

Four left-wing activists were detained for questioning on Friday afternoon during a protest against the Jewish settlement in the east Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah.


Some 300 protestors arrived in the area and chanted, "There is no sacredness in an occupied city."


According to the police, the protestors were detained after arriving at the Jewish houses in the neighborhood and forcibly refusing to leave the compound.


Shiekh Jarrah riots, Friday (Photo: Reuters)


Public figures and intellectuals toured the homes of the Arab families evacuated from the neighborhood under a court order. They included former Knesset Speaker Avraham Burg, author David Grossman, former Knesset Member Zahava Gal-On, New Israel Fund President Naomi Chazan and Professor Zeev Sternhell.


According to the protestors, at a certain stage the police asked the crowd to leave, used force and shoved Grossman and Burg. "The moment they left the compound," one of the protestors said, "the police focused on two of the protest's organizers, pulled them out of the crown and into the police car. They acted brutally."


Shmulik Grossman contributed to this report


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