Ron Breiman
Photo:Dor Garbash
Part 2 of article
Meanwhile, PM Netanyahu agreed to the Judea and Samaria construction freeze based on a false US pledge that Jerusalem construction would go on. All these unilateral deals turned out to be dubious, and in light of past experience nobody should be surprised by this.
Israeli prime ministers keep on falling into the trap laid by the international community, headed by the US. Regrettably, our accumulated experience proves that despite its support for Israel's existence, America's pledges are proven time and again to be unreliable. Israeli withdrawals premised on such pledges merely serve to boost Arab demands.
Former Prime Minister Begin gave up the Sinai based on the belief that this will enable us to salvage Judea and Samaria. Former PM Sharon undertook a brutal ethnic cleansing of Jews in the Gaza Strip based on the hope that the "enlightened" world will let Israel be and allow it to defend itself and maintain the "settlement blocs" (that is, the leftovers.)
Part 1
Ron Breiman
So-called proximity talks means to elicit one-sided Israeli concessions, Ron Breiman says
On the other hand, Israeli prime ministers who did not stammer and instead spoke up clearly managed to build and strengthen Israel in general and Jerusalem in particular. First and foremost was Yitzhak Shamir, who is being smeared as though he did nothing; in fact, he withstood the blatant US pressure exerted by the Bush Sr. Administration, did not waste any efforts on proximity talks or sacrificial talks, and absorbed about one millions new immigrants during his tenure, mostly from the former Soviet Union.
Simplify conversion process
Aliyah, rather than "peace," is the real solution for securing Israel's existence. The complementary step Netanyahu can adopt in order to complete Shamir's mission is to enlist all the relevant parties in a bid to made the conversion process easier and quicker, thereby allowing all the people who chose to live here with us to be recognized as Jews, even if their connection to the Jewish people is not perfectly commensurate with Jewish law."Successful" proximity talks are in fact a failure and will mark's Israel's continuing deterioration. In this respect, and despite the current storm, Ramat Shlomo may be the outlet that will enable Israel to escape the distress it faces at this time, to a large extent through the fault of its leaders since 1993.
Netanyahu recently made it clear in the Knesset in an unequivocal manner that construction in all parts of Jerusalem will go on. This declaration constituted an important step in the right direction. He should be lauded and encouraged to do so, despite the blatant pressure exerted by Obama and Clinton.
Netanyahu is supposed to finally show leadership, but not the type expected of him by the media and in Europe – a choice between "peace" and Shas – rather, one that realizes Zionism and the hope to be a free nation in our land. Instead of stammering, making excuses, and subordinating himself to Shimon Peres, Netanyahu would do well to follow in the consistent Zionistic footsteps of Yitzhak Shamir and Ben-Zion Netanyahu, the PM's father.