Inflaming statue
Photo: Tzipi Malkov
A large statue of King David, currently overlooking the ancient figure's tomb on Mount Zion, may be moved soon because of haredi pressure.
According to Jerusalem Municipality's art advisor, David Suzana, officials are already searching for a new spot to place the statue. "It just makes my blood boil," he says.
Suzana is angry, in part, because this is not the first time such an event has occurred. "The statue was placed after receiving all of the necessary permits. Even the donors agreed to its current location, and I don't understand why it has to be moved," he says.
The sculpture, which measures in at a height of four meters, portrays the simply-attired ancient king holding a harp. Despite the current spat, leading Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv was consulted and agreed on its placement at the tomb's site.
But a year and a half ago the matter was once again brought to light when a number of haredim were caught smearing the statue with red paint. A clean-up crew of five was needed to restore it to its original state.
Now members of the ultra-Orthodox council are saying they want it moved. "If they want this statue around so much, they should move it to one of the public parks," said Deputy Mayor Yitzhak Pindrus.
On the other side, Opposition chairman Yosef (Pepe) Alalo warned he would petition the High Court of Justice if the municipality capitulated, as this may lead to a precedent for the moving of other statues.
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