Fewer rocket attacks as well (archives)
Photo: Amir Cohen
The Shin Bet revealed Thursday that 2010 saw the lowest number of terror attacks and terror victims in a decade.
Since January, nine civilians and soldiers have been killed in 798 terror-related incidents in Israel and the territories, compared with 15 deaths in 1,354 incidents in 2009.
The security agency said the highest number of terror-related deaths was recorded in 2002, when 452 Israelis were killed. Since 2005 the number of terror-related deaths gradually declined.
Scene of West Bank shooting attack (Archive photo: Gil Yohanan)
According to the data, terror attacks have claimed the lives of 1,187 Israelis in the past decade; 8,050 Israelis were injured in terror attacks over the past 10 years.
Despite the recent escalation on Israel's border with Gaza, 2010 has also seen a decrease in rocket attacks emanating from the Hamas-ruled territory – 150 compared with 569 in 2009. A slight decrease in mortar attacks has also been recorded.
Gaza smuggling tunnel (Photo: Reuters)
Sixteen shooting incidents which killed five Israelis occurred in the West Bank in 2010. About 88% of the attacks that took place in Jerusalem and the territories were categorized as "popular terror" – such as the throwing Molotov cocktails.
The Shin Bet reported of an increase in terror attacks in the capital, including shooting incidents, stone-throwing and Molotov cocktail attacks.
According to the security agency, Hamas is continuing to stockpile arms, including "quality" weapons that are smuggled into Gaza from Egypt. During 2010 hundreds of rockets - most of them with a range of 20 and 40 kilometers (12 and 25 miles) - have been smuggled into Gaza, in addition to some 1,000 mortar shells, several dozen anti-aircraft weapons and tons of explosives.
The Shin Bet called the Sinai Peninsula Gaza's "backyard", where most of the weapons which are later smuggled into the Strip are stored.
The security agency also said that in 2010 Iran continued to be the main driving force behind Hamas and Hezbollah's activity.
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