
Eyal Golan. Singing for Shalit
Photo: Avi Chai

Eyal Golan sings for Gilad Shalit

Revenues from new song will be donated to efforts to return kidnapped soldier home. Singer Eyal Golan: Can't imagine my son away for four and half minutes, let alone years

Singer Eyal Golan joins activists fighting to return kidnapped IDF soldier Gilad Shalit back home. In a recording studio in Rishon Lezion on Tuesday, Golad revealed his new song entitled "Song for Gilad", which he himself composed to the lyrics of Yossi Gispan. All of the profits from the song will be given to the headquarters working to bring Shalit back to Israel.


Golan met Noam Shalit, the father of the kidnapped soldier, at the studio. The two discussed the initiative intended to reach the decision-makers through music.


Golad said the song was created after former Knesset Speaker Dalia Itzik (Kadima) approached him with the idea of writing a song for Shalit. "Of course I immediately accepted the challenge," said Golan. "I asked Yossi Gispan to write the lyrics."


Listen to it here:




"After receiving these moving lyrics, for the first time in my long career I also composed the song and decided that all profits will be given to the headquarters fighting to return Shalit to Israel. All those who worked on the song, including different distributers, joined the initiative voluntarily. It's one of the most exciting things I've ever done in my life. I can't see my own son spending more than four and half minutes outside the house, so I definitely can't imagine what four and a half years feel like. I'm not looking for another hit song," he said.


Golan added that "the purpose of the song is to encourage other artists to join the mission and bring this kid back home."


Golan and Shalit (Photo: Ofer Amram)


Noam Shalit thanked Golan and the song's creators for their contribution. "We believe prayers are moving, but we must also remember that the decision to bring Gilad back home is at the hands of a man. These days it's at the hand of Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu. The call in the song is addressed to those who sent Gilad on a mission and have yet to answer his call and cry for help," the soldier's father said. 


"We hope that the yearning to see Gilad back home will become stronger because of the song, and cause the prime minister to take chances."



פרסום ראשון: 01.05.11, 15:04
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