A ministerial task force has been appointed to decide whether Google’s Street View teams will prowl the streets of Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and possibly Haifa.
The panel will commence work this week, deciding what sort of security risks Street View may pose. In other countries, the only issue surrounding the program was charges of privacy infringement. Israel, on the other hand, is concerned that terrorist organizations might utilize the program to strategically plan attacks on political figures.
Headed by Intelligence Minister Dan Meridor, the task force is comprised of ministers Moshe Kahlon, Yossi Peled, Michael Eitan, Stas Misezhnikov and Limor Livnat.
Last September, Google acquired Israeli start-up company Quiksee, which creates interactive location-based media content. The company’s technology was regarded as an integral component (if not the missing link) to improving Street View, by allowing the interior of buildings to be scanned. Undoubtedly, this will factor into the task force’s decision.
Since 2007, Google’s Street View teams have photographed major cities in specially outfitted vehicles, throughout Europe, North America, Australia, and South Africa. An off-shoot of Google Maps, Street View enables the user to virtually tour streets of a selected city at the pedestrian level with three-dimensional detail.
The Street View service is available in 27 countries.
Reprinted with permission from Shalom Life
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