Nominated for 10 Oscars. 'True Grit'
Academy Award winning filmmakers Joel and Ethan Coen will arrive in Israel
in mid May to receive the Dan David Prize in the Cinema and Society field on behalf of Tel Aviv University.
Filmmaking Brothers
Associated Press
Brothers Joel and Ethan Coen speak about their surreal, darkly affectionate look at Midwest Jewish community
"With control over final cut of their films, their creative involvement makes them a creative partnership unique in the history of filmmaking," the prize committee explained its decision on Tuesday. The Coen brothers' latest film, "True Grit", has been nominated for 10 Academy Awards.
The other Dan David Prize laureates for 2011 are Prof. Cynthia Kenyon and Prof. Gary Ruvkun in the Ageing – Facing the Challenge field, and Prof. Marcus Feldman in the Evolution category.
Italian President Giorgio Napolitano, a 2010 Dan David Prize laureate, will also arrive this year to accept the award.
Three prizes of $ 1 million each are annually awarded for achievements having an outstanding scientific, technological, cultural or social impact on the world. The laureates donate 10% of the prize money to 20 scholarships for outstanding doctoral and post-doctoral students.
The award ceremony will be held at Tel Aviv University on May 15, in the presence of President Shimon Peres. The prize winners will take part in symposiums on cinema and society, ageing and evolution.
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