Premature baby. One in 100 born weighing less than 1.5 kilos (archives)
Photo: Jeremy Feldman
One in eight babies in Israel
is born prematurely and needs intensive care, with one in 100 born weighing less than 1.5 kilos (3.3lbs).
In recent months, the MYMC Neonatal Intensive Care Unit has treated two babies who were born in their 23rd week of gestation, one of which weighed just 615g (1.35lbs).
At the Mayanei HaYeshua Medical Center (MYMC), 35 babies are born every day, the smallest of which weigh as little as 450g (less than 1lb).
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After four months of careful treatment and feeding, both babies were pronounced healthy and discharged home with their grateful parents.
“We are seeing an increase in the number of multiple babies conceived through IVF and this is contributing to the rising number of small and premature babies being born in our hospitals”, explains Dr. Daniel Lubin, MYMC Director of NeoNatal Care.
Uniquely in the world, Israel’s healthcare providers will give treatment free of charge for up to two children for any couple who is experiencing fertility problems.
No limit
Last year, 11 sets of twins were born at MYMC during one week, including four sets of twins who were born in one hour on the same night. All were cared for in the NeoNatal Department until their healthy discharge.
MYMC has adopted the latest NIDCAP system for treating preemies, which is based on research into the long-term health and development of children up to age 10 who were born prematurely.
Last month, MYMC hosted an international medical conference on these methods for minimizing pain and promoting the development of neonates.
“There is no limit to what we will do to preserve the life of a baby, regardless of how premature it is born”, says Dr. Lubin. “Because of the high value placed on the value of life in our Hospital, we have the best resources available and no expense is spared.
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