The real Jon Stewart. Not a fan
Photo: AP
VIDEO - When 17th century English cleric Charles Caleb Colton said “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery,” I’m pretty certain he wasn’t referring to The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart,
But, it looks as though Stewart’s style and flair and love of deadpan have sparked some Israeli interest.
"The Israeli Show", hosted by David Sidman, is quickly and profoundly grabbing some serious media attention with his short, weekly segments being aired on YouTube.
Born in Boston, Sidman, who has called Israel home for the last decade, describes himself as a news anchor, and claims “it’s a one-man show.”
Testing the philosophy that “brevity is the soul of wit,” Sidman’s vignettes, which are Stewardtesque news reports about news in Israel, are two to three minutes long,
His inspired grass roots attempt at journalism is certainly not ready for a network bidding war, but his unique, provocative style has put him on the map.
Sidman has participated in stand-up comedy before, but, for the time-being, the Youtube sensation is committed to his newfound project.
Ironically, even though the rising star has followed the The Daily Show prototype, he’s not a big fan of Stewart.
Even though, he’s still a work in progress, Sidman’s one-line zingers definitely hold some weight, including one of my favorites: “Shakira visited Jerusalem and went to the Kotel where her hips apologized for lying.”
Top news, indeed.
Reprinted with permission from Shalom Life
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