

World ORT aids students in periphery

Education charity collaborates with commercial companies to provide pupils in 33 schools with material aid worth NIS 700,000

World ORT, in collaboration with the Thelma Drier and Elmer Drier and companies H&O and Kravitz, has provided 1,104 pupils in 33 educational campuses in the periphery with material aid worth NIS 700,000 (about $200,000).


In these schools, World ORT works to promote scientific and technological education. Using e-cards, students can purchase sports clothing, sports shoes and school supplies. Electronic tickets will be distributed throughout the next month.


Every year before the High Holidays, World ORT provides material aid to students in collaboration with various companies.


World ORT Director-General and CEO Robert Singer explained, "We turned to commercial companies to encourage them to contribute material aid in support of our underprivileged student, who are not be able to afford the basic essentials required for their academic development."


Acting national executive director of Kadima Mada, Avi Ganon, remarked that "being able to assist students through this initiative, in order to achieve their goals and World ORTs vision is essential to ensuring a better future for the children of Israel and the future strength of the State of Israel."



פרסום ראשון: 10.27.11, 09:33
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World ORT supporting underprivileged students (archives)