Netanyahu at Dead Sea
Photo: Moshe Milner, GPO
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has voted for the Dead Sea. Have you? In a video address to high school students, Netanyahu urged a vote for the Dead Sea
in the finals of the New7Wonders of Nature competition, which will be concluded on November 11th.
Netanyahu asked, "Have you been there? If not, you should go right away. It is an exceptional and magical place. The lowest spot on earth. A site with spectacular colors."
- Ynet Special: To vote for the Dead Sea, click here
According to the prime minister, "It is where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered that describe the history of our people from an ancient time and is one of the most significant archeological findings in the world."
Netanyahu also referred to the economic opportunity an inclusion in the new nature wonders of the world would bring. "The more the Dead Sea climbs up the standings and hopefully even wins the contest, the more tourists would come here," he said.
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