

JNF becomes Project HEART sponsor

More than 200 Jewish institutions worldwide join together to support program seeking to identify Jewish Holocaust victims and their heirs whose property was confiscated, looted, or forcibly sold by Nazis or allies

Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael-Jewish National Fund has become a Project HEART sponsor, joining the rapidly growing list of over 200 worldwide Jewish institutions that have joined together to support Project HEART.


“The addition of Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael-Jewish National Fund as a Project HEART sponsor demonstrates the far-reaching support that Project HEART has received from over 200 Jewish institutions located worldwide,” stated Project HEART’s Executive Director Bobby Brown.


“The support of these institutions is essential toward reaching our mutual goal of achieving redress for Holocaust victims and their heirs whose property was confiscated, looted, or forcibly sold by the Nazis or their allies.”


“The support that Project HEART is receiving from worldwide Jewish institutions emphasizes the importance of Project HEART’s efforts and is integral to ensuring the overall success of the project as we move forward from identification of eligible participants to advocating for restitution on behalf of those participants," said Project Director Anya Verkhovskaya.


"We fully expect additional Jewish institutions will join in this important movement and become Project HEART sponsors in the months to come."


Launched in late February 2011, Project HEART seeks to identify Jewish Holocaust victims and their heirs worldwide whose families owned real estate, movable property, immovable property, or intangible personal property that was confiscated, looted, or forcibly sold in countries governed or occupied by the Nazi forces or Axis powers during the Holocaust era.


The only limitations for application is if restitution has been made to a victim or the victim’s heirs for that property after the Holocaust era; then that person or their heirs are not eligible for further restitution in connection with that property.


To participate in Project HEART, individuals need to fill out the Questionnaire that may be found on the Project HEART website:  



פרסום ראשון: 12.13.11, 08:13
Seeking justice for Shoah victims
Photo: Reuters