
Leviathan offshore drilling site (archives)
Photo: Albatross

Delek, Ratio report gas discovery at Dolphin

License held by Avner, Delek Drilling, Ratio and Noble Energy located some 110 kilomters off coast of Haifa. At this stage it is unclear whether initial findings corroborate preliminary estimates for 0.5 TCF yield. Estimates: Probability high at 73%

Does Israel have a new offshore energy reservoir? Gas exploration partnerships Avner, Delek Drilling and Ratio reported Sunday that the Dolphin 1 drilling site, situated 110 kilometers off the coast of Haifa, is showing potential for the discovery of natural gas.


Drilling at the site commenced late August. The site is located within the Hanna license, adjacent to the Rachel and Amit licenses, both of which comprise the Leviathan site.


This is one of the five licenses in which Delek Group and Noble Energy formed a partnership with Ratio, whereby holdings are distributed among Delek Group (45.34% through Avner and Delek Drilling), Noble Energy (39.66%) and Ratio (15%).


The drilling license was granted in December 2008 and is valid until mid December 2011.


Delek Drilling's survey reports indicate a 0.5 trillion cubic feet (TCB) estimated recovery, which is similar to the Dalit license and three times the annual consumption in Israel for 2010.


Prospects of the site yielding the estimated recovery are high, at 73%. At this stage it remains unclear whether preliminary findings do indeed corroborate the preliminary estimates.


Delek Drilling reported its plans to drill at site in its financial reports for the second quarter of 2011, aiming to take advantage of Sedco Express rig operating offshore Israel. Estimated drilling costs are $50 million.


Click here to read this report in Hebrew



פרסום ראשון: 11.07.11, 09:48
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