
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Photo: AP
Syria's Bashar Assad
Photo: MCT

'30,000 suicide bombers to infiltrate Israel'

Fars news agency reports thousands of men who trained for suicide missions will infiltrate Israel via Syria in wake of reports on Israeli strike

In response to reports of a possible Israeli strike on Iranian nuclear facilities, Iran is threatening to mount an attack on Israel via the Syrian border. Some 30,000 Syrian and Palestinian men have spent the past three months training to infiltrate Israel in order to carry out suicide missions, the Iranian Fars news agency reported Friday.


The agency, which is associated with the Revolutionary Guards, reported that the men have sent a petition to the Syrian government expressing their willingness to help it through "any crisis" which may arise with Israel.


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"They have asked the Syrian government for authorization to infiltrate occupied Palestinian land and carry out suicide missions against Israeli soldiers," the report stated.


משמרות המהפכה. חיזוק מסוריה (צילום: gettyimages imagebank)

Revolutionary Guard: Support from syria (Photo: Gettyimages) 


The article mentions the last 'Nakba Day' during which five Palestinians infiltrated Israel and were arrested by security forces.


"The petition said that those who signed it have passed military, combat and tactical trainings and are ready to tolerate the hardest conditions in Israel," the report said.


"In case a crisis is caused by Israel, these men can give Netanyahu's government serious problems."


The Iranian news agency serves as the mouthpiece of the ayatollahs regime and has printed previous similar reports about the recruitment of thousands of potential suicide bombers who will fight against Israel.


Roi Kais contributed to this report




פרסום ראשון: 11.11.11, 14:20