Executed point blank – Miriam Monsonego
There are moments in life where we have to accurately define to ourselves what we are facing.
And what we are facing at this time is hatred.
A pure, burning kind of hatred for Jews. The kind of Jew-hate that has no political or diplomatic motive – indeed, what we are dealing with is hatred for Jews that has to do with our very existence.
It is the kind of hatred that our sages referred to when they spoke about Esau's hate for Jacob.
There are no settlements out there or IDF attacks targeting a terror suspect in the Gaza Strip or any kind of diplomatic circumstances whatsoever that can explain the confirmed kill of a young girl, point blank, or the stabbing of children in their sleep, as was the case in Itamar.
In these difficult and horrific moments, where Jewish children are being butchered by their killers, we must keep in mind that this hatred is not a result of our conduct or behavior in any way.
Rather, it is a result of our very existence.
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