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First Israel philanthropy academy set to open

Opening of first Israel Academy of Philanthropy designed to train new generation of resource development professionals in Israel - with countrywide teaching centers

The global economic crisis and Israel's summer of social protests led Natan Golan and Jeff Kaye who both have years of experience in the field of Jewish philanthropy to search for a response to an increasing number of Israeli nonprofits competing for scarce funding opportunities both at home and abroad.


They quickly realized how critical it is for Israeli fundraisers to equip themselves with the proper education, tools and resources, in order to participate in this incredibly competitive market. Unlike most other professions there was no local address for them to systematically learn the skills of their profession.


These two veterans with decades of working experience in the arena of Israel and Global Philanthropy, decided to create the Israel Academy of Philanthropy - an institution dedicated to advancing the professionalism and practice of resource development.


This progressive initiative aims to dramatically raise the quality of resource development in Israel and, for the first time, to provide professional accreditation in this field.


The Academy will serve as a unique venue, inviting participation of select individuals and groups from Israeli nonprofit organizations and local municipalities.


At the same time, it will reach out to a new cadre of Israeli professionals from hi-tech and IDF veterans, social and community workers, those with backgrounds in marketing – all wishing to retrain as resource development professionals.


Academy students will master the world of philanthropy through a range of recognized academic courses, while acquiring the knowledge and skills required in the discipline.


The Israel Academy of Philanthropy is the first comprehensive professional teaching initiative of its kind in Israel. Graduates of the approved courses who have attained the required standards will receive credit towards the Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) credential diploma for initial certification or recertification.



פרסום ראשון: 04.01.12, 08:01
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