Netanyahu told the athletes: "Your physical accomplishments are very impressive, but even more so your mental ones. You have achieved tremendous triumphs. I hope you get a medal, but as far as I'm concerned you're already champions."
PM to paralympic athletes: 'tremendous triumphs' (Yehonathan Shaul)
Minister Livnat said: "You rise above any other athlete with your perseverance. You are a role model to young women and men and to everyone who faces hardship."
Livnat didn't forget the olympic athlets (Yehonatan Shaul)
Livnat took the opportunity to express her gratitude to the Israeli athletes who completed in the Olympic Games: "You came back from London with very impressive accomplishments. I would like to send out a big hug to each and every one of you who I know did his or her best."
Also present were Danny Ben Abu and Ron Bolotin of the Israel Sports Association for the Disabled (ISAD), coaches and administrators. Ben Abu, chairman of the ISAD, expressed his great thanks to Netanyahu and Livnat for increasing government support to paralympic athletes.