The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) on Tuesday condemned Austrian far-right politician Heinz-Christian Strache, leader of the xenophobic Freedom Party, for posting an anti-Semitic caricature on his Facebook page.
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The caricature shows a corpulent figure labeled "Bankers," who is being treated to a feast by a figure labeled "Governments," while a third figure labeled "The People" receives just a bone. The banker is shown with Stars of David on his cufflinks, dollar signs on his tie and a hooked nose.
- To view caricature click here
"This latest anti-Semitic expression from Heinz-Christian Strache is all the proof anyone needs to see that he has not given up his anti-Semitic beliefs," said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL national director.
"Now, he’s promoting the anti-Semitic canard that Jews control international finance and manipulate governments to enrich themselves at the expense of non-Jews. Strache brings shame to Austrian politics and should be repudiated for his anti-Jewish bigotry," Foxman added.
Earlier this year, on Holocaust Remembrance Day, Strache mocked victims of the Holocaust by comparing anti-fascist protests to Kristallnacht. At the time ADL lambasted his comment as an "outrageous trivialization" of the memory of the Holocaust.
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