PM Netanyahu toasts his new government
Photo: Gil Yohanan
Merav Betito
Photo: Ronen Ackerman

Voice of reason returns

Op-ed: Israelis should be satisfied as new government has already made some achievements

In the Jewish state, people are never satisfied: It's an old habit which is well aware of the fate of larger-than-life expectations, an old remnant of old and new political history. It will forever be easier for us to write about disappointments, failed expectations, broken promises and unfulfilled hopes, as it is better to expect the worst – that's the best way not to crash down to reality.


Such being the case, what good does it do? Why do we participate in elections and get carried away by a vision of a better future, and when we get a little of all that we quickly go back to our old slippers, sit in our shabby armchair and cry, "We wanted more of that"?


Something important has happened in Israel, and for the first time in many years it seems that the voice of reason has returned to politics. There are plenty of examples: The education minister is a man of education, the social affairs minister is a resident of the periphery, the finance minister is the person who promised to make things easier for the middle class which bears the tax burden, the interior minister is a secular man of our generation who is aware of civil rights, the minister of economy knows a thing or two about a free market, the pensioner affairs minister is a person who believes in the value "honor thy father and thy mother," the communications minister is a person who deeply understands the real importance of free press, and the justice minister – as well as the transportation minister and culture and sports minister – are very familiar with the ministries they already served in previously.


And there's more: Even before the budget, and within 45 days from the establishment of the new government, it is expected to approve a law for an equal share of the burden, which will open the door for the haredi public into Israeli society.


We can raise reservations over each of these achievements. We can frown about each of these innovations and complain that things could have been better. Reality is a complicated thing – every child who got a B while expecting an A knows that. There will be time to be disappointed, but right now we can all look at the new government with gratification – even if reserved – and say to ourselves: Indeed, the glass is only half full, but we have definitely managed to close quite a few of the holes.



פרסום ראשון: 03.19.13, 10:46
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