
Turkey’s Erdogan weeps on live TV after hearing poem

Turkish PM listens to poem written by Muslim Brotherhood politician on daughter's death in protests, dissolves in tears

A poem written by senior Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood politician Mohammed el-Beltagi regarding the death of his 17-year-old daughter during the protests in Cairo, provoked a tearful response from Turkey’s prime minister on television on Thursday, Al Arabiya reported.


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Recep Tayyip Erdogan can be seen wiping his eyes and seems to be speechless when interviewed after having heard the poem, Euronews reported on Friday.



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 קוד להטמעה:

Erdogan cries on TV 


“Once, my daughter asked me to spend one night at home with her but I was working hard and could not spare time for her…I saw my own children in el-Beltagi’s letter,” he said.


According to Al Arabiya, in 2010 Erdogan cried on camera at the deaths of children in Gaza. His wife, Emine Erdogan, also cried on camera during a 2012 visit to Myanmar’s western Rakhine state where she met with members of the Rohingya ethnic group, a heavily persecuted minority.


Prime Minister Erdogan has publicly criticized the military overthrow of former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi and has extended strong support to the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood.



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