ISIS fighter in Mosul, Iraq. City's takeover should concern Israel too
Photo: Reuters
The Iraqi army collapsed this week like a pack of cards upon the occupation of Iraq's second biggest city, Mosul,
by al-Qaeda and the Jihad.
Now the jihadists are 200 kilometers away from the capital of Baghdad, and they will aspire to reach that city as well. Al-Qaeda fighters are Sunnis, while the Iraqi army is comprised mostly of Shiites – and so the Shiite puppet regime established by the Americans in Iraq, which Obama has been so proud of, is collapsing. Why he even ordered the American army to pull out because he believed the Iraqi army was already prepared to carry the burden.
The Americans built this army, trained it and have invested tens of billions of dollars in it in the past decade. But its thousands of soldiers have escaped without fighting, leaving their shoes and clothes behind, as well as advanced American military equipment, an airport, hospitals and prisons – all the disposal of the al-Qaeda terror.
Seizing Control
Analysis: ISIS Islamic militants capture Iraq's second biggest city; Iraqi military buckles and runs under pressure of religious, ethnic divisions.
And now, after al-Qaeda's takeover of the Sunni cities in western Iraq, it has also seized control of the northern Mosul. This Salafi "state" joins the Salafi state of Syria, and the soon-to-be Salafi state of Jordan – and so the American illusions are collapsing and international borders are erased.
America will do nothing, and there is no one in the Middle East who thinks it will actually do anything. In other words, the regime of Obama, a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, generated the al-Qaeda states in the region – a humanitarian disaster for millions of unfortunate people.
Why is this important to us? Because those same hallucinating Americans designated a security plan for us in Judea and Samaria, like the plan they designated for Iraq. US Secretary of State, with all his security experts, thought that it would be enough to have an American plan on paper in order to stabilize a regime and a state there.
So what is the lesson from Iraq? The moment the IDF would have withdrawn from one meter in Judea and Samaria, the jihadist groups would have entered in its place, like what has already happened in the Gaza Strip. They would have threatened Ben-Gurion Airport from above, and not a single plane would have landed here anymore, and later on they would have threatened Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Haifa as well. That would have been the end of the story for the Jewish state.
Why in Iraq, with tens of thousands of trained soldiers, the Americans failed – so how could they expect a number of Palestinian gangs to succeed here?
The Judea and Samaria area is already filled with tens of thousands of jihadists, members of Hizb ut-Tahrir and others, who are only waiting for an order to storm the Palestinian Authority – an artificial entity which they don't accept and never will.
Even worse, an independent Arab area in Judea and Samaria means an addition of hundreds of thousands of jihadists imported from Iraq, Syria and Lebanon to the most peaceful area in the Middle East.
This is the exact meaning of the "right of return," which the world will applaud at first – after all, they are not coming to "Israel" but to the evacuated area. But they will change the demographic balance and make life impossible here. Mosul will come here.
Those failing to see this jihadist threat to the Jewish state's existence are ignoring the new Salafi reality, what is taking place in Syria now – a death toll of almost 200,000 and irreversible destruction – and the unruly conduct in Iraq.
Diplomatic agreements may have been relevant decades ago, with stable Arab regimes, but today, when everything around us is falling apart, talking about such agreement – not to mention peace agreements – is simply foolish.
The two-state agreement discussed before the Arab Spring had been buried in Mosul, in the world war which is only expanding between the Sunnis and Shiites, compared to which Israel seems like a strong anchor of stability and security.