The one-year program has been adjusted to women from the haredi sector both in terms of content and separation and in terms of employment training. It offers studies in a variety of fields, including film direction, photography and production of corporate videos and documentary films.
"The main goal is to provide the female haredi students with the professional tools they need and want in order to support their families without giving up on their dream to have a creative profession with a personal statement," explained Ma'aleh Director Neta Ariel. "This need has not been met in the haredi sector so far."
During the professional studies, the students will listen to lectures and participate in workshops which will guide them on how to start and run a business. In addition, they will learn online marketing and other advertising tools.
According to the school, dozens of women have expressed an interest in joining the new program.
"The notion that haredi women are not interested in cinema and in movies is not the result of a wrong stigma, but of lack of familiarity with the sector," Ariel says.
"The haredi public has been engaging in 'haredi cinema' for more than a decade now. It began with educational films for children, went on with audio visual shows, and today you can already find real professional productions by female haredi directors, and the public flocks to the screenings.
"You won't be able to find these films online, but you will find a lot of information about haredi filmmakers like Tali Avrahami, Dina Perlstein and others."