
Photo: ABC News
Rabbi Barry Freundel
Photo: ABC News

Synagogue fires Washington rabbi charged with voyeurism

Kesher Israel's board of directors says allegations against Modern Orthodox Rabbi Barry Freundel 'breach the high moral and ethical standards we set for ourselves and for our leadership.'

A Washington rabbi charged with secretly videotaping women during ritual baths has been fired by his synagogue, the synagogue's board said this week.



Modern Orthodox Rabbi Barry Freundel had his contract terminated by Kesher Israel's board of directors.

Freundel had been suspended without pay since his arrest in October.


The allegations against Freundel "breached the high moral and ethical standards we set for ourselves and for our leadership," the board said in a statement.


Freundel has been asked to leave the synagogue's residence by January 1.

He has pleaded not guilty in District of Columbia Superior Court to six counts of voyeurism, a misdemeanor, after police found a clock radio with a hidden camera in a ritual bath area known as a mikveh.


Freundel faces a hearing next month. His congregation in Washington's upscale Georgetown neighborhood has included Treasury Secretary Jack Lew and former Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman.


פרסום ראשון: 12.04.14, 10:34
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