Dr. Avrahami is expected to take on a senior operations position with Omninet group, the investment branch of the Nazarian family and Neal Kadisha from Los Angeles, a co-founder of Qualcomm Inc., an American global semiconductor company.
In his new position he will manage the Paymaxs Ltd., which provides innovative technology solutions in the areas of mobile and social networking for the global lottery industry. Its development center is located in Israel and it is active in Europe and the United States.
Dr. Avrahami, a former navy officer, holds a PhD in Industrial Engineering from the Technion, and is a guest faculty member at the Faculty of Industrial Engineering at that university. He began his career at Yedioth Ahronoth in 2001. Since then he has been the project manager for the establishment of the group's print press at the Bar-Lev industrial park, in the north of Israel, and then CEO of Yedioth Communications.
In 2008 he was appointed CEO of Yedioth Information Technologies (YIT), the technology and information technology section of the Yedioth Ahronoth group. Under his management, the company increased the volume of its development activity, and became the executive arm of the Yedioth's group digital, mobile and applications activity. In recent years YIT became a digital supplier and managed large-scale digital projects for major clients, including the defense industry.
At the beginning of 2014, Dr. Avrahami's responsibilities expanded into Yedioth Ahronoth's production and operations, and under his management two printing houses were added in Rishon Letzion and Bar-Lev industrial park, the graphic centers and the commercial printing sector.