
James Franco's bar mitzvah

James Franco is finally a man

At 37, leading American actor decides to get called to the Torah and celebrate the transition from childhood to adulthood with a proper bar mitzvah. Wait a minute, will his voice change now?

After a spectacular bar mitzvah party, actor and comedian James Franco finally became a man Friday at the age of 37.



The ceremony took place as part of a charity event to raise awareness for Alzheimer's Disease, organized by comedian and close friend Seth Rogen and his wife Lauren Miller Rogen.


James Franco - officially a man
James Franco - officially a man


"Since I've known James, he has talked about wanting a bar mitzvah," Rogen said last July. "We are excited to see him finally becoming a man, and at the same time raise awareness about Alzheimer's." We can only wonder if after the tardy bar mitzvah, Franco will finally mature.


פרסום ראשון: 10.04.15, 21:00
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