The details were compiled by the NGO Registrars Office in the Ministry of Justice in response to members of the Opposition who oppose a law which forces NGOs to disclose all sources of foreign funding.
The following is a list of some of the NGOS who receive the majority of their budgets from foreign donors:
Al Masdar: Works to ensure rights of Arabs in the Golan Heights
100% of their budget comes from governments of Germany, the EU, and Denmark
B'Tselem: Works to ensure Palestinian human rights in the West Bank and Gaza
69% of their budget comes from Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, the Netherlands, Denmark, Ireland, and the EU
Bimkom: Advanced just building practices which are respectful of human rights
79% of their budget comes from the Irish embassy in Israel, and the governments of the Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, and Denmark
Gisha: Works to protect the freedom of movement of Palestinians, especially Gaza residents.
59% of their budget comes from the governments of Norway, Ireland, Britain, the Netherlands, and the UN
The Public Committee against Torture in Israel: Works to protect prisoners from torture in Israeli prisons
100% of their budget comes from the governments of the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, the EU, the UN, and the German embassy in Israel
Yesh Din: Volunteer lawyers who represent West Bank Palestinians, work to end the Israeli presence in the West Bank.
88% of their budget comes from Switzerland, the Netherlands, Britain, and the EU
Who Profits: A leader in the BDS movement, successfully campaigned to have Orange Telecom leave Israel
80% of their budget comes from sources outside of Israel
Zochrot: advocates renouncing Israeli colonialism and returning Palestinians displaced in 1948 and their decedents to their former villages.
96% of their budget comes from organizations in the UK, Germany, France, Belgium, Canada, and other countries.
Breaking the Silence: Advocates for soldiers to speak out against the Israeli presence in the West Bank
60% of their budget comes from organizations in or the governments of Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Germany, France, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the European Union, and the Norwegian Embassy in Israel.