
The stabbing victim, left to bleed on the ground

7 indicted in violent stabbing assault

Last month a 21-year-old man was violently assaulted in Rehovot—stabbed, beaten and left to bleed by 7 youths; indictments are filed against all 7 assailants, along with a request to extend their remand until the legal proceedings against them are complete.

The prosecution has filed on Thursday indictments in Lod District court against seven youths accused of beating and stabbing a 21 year old from Rehovot, later leaving him to bleed on the road.



They are charged with aggravated assault and possession of a weapon. The incident was recorded by Rehovot city security cameras.


The deadly stabbing assault

The deadly stabbing assault


שליחה לחבר

 הקלידו את הקוד המוצג
תמונה חדשה

הסרטון נשלח לחברך


הטמעת הסרטון באתר שלך

 קוד להטמעה:


The seven accused, all residents of Rehovot, are Daud Salem, 20, David Blei, 20, Daniel Tshala, 20, Tilahun Workneh, 19, Amara David, 22, Wedge Beniamin, 20, and Maharat Yitshak, 24.


According to the indictments, on February 10 the accuser arrived at a kiosk in Rehovot where Daud Salem, Daniel Tshala and Maharat Yitshak started a conversation with him. After a short while Yitshak took the accuser away from the kiosk, escorted by Salem and Tshala. Suddenly, Tshala then began stabbing the victim multiple times with a knife.


The seven assailants attacking the victim while he is on the ground
The seven assailants attacking the victim while he is on the ground


At the same time, Salem shoved the accuser to the ground and started stomping and kicking him. After a few moments the rest of the accused, along with a few others, came running and started beating the accuser while he was down, one of which, Beniamin, even threw a chair at him. The others who arrived separated the assailants from the victim and calmed them down.


All fled the scene. The incident was spotted by two police officers who were driving nearby, giving chase and catching two of the accused. After an investigation, the five others were arrested.


The victim, left to die
The victim, left to die


The victim had to be rushed to the nearby Kaplan Medical Center, seriously wounded with multiple bruises and stab wounds, some of which in his chest.


The prosecution is requesting the remand of all seven suspects be extended until the end of the legal proceedings against them.


פרסום ראשון: 03.02.17, 17:14
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