A Facebook caricature posted Saturday by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's son, Yair, against his father’s opponents, which was slammed for its apparent anti-Semitic overtones, has been used by Neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer as proof of anti-Jewish stereotypes, with the paper lauding Yair as ‘a total bro.’
"Next he’s going to call for gassings," the anti-Semitic site wrote in its article entitled "Netanyahu’s Son Posts Awesome Meme Blaming the Jews for Bringing Down His Jew Father".
Netanyahu was asked about this incident at the start of Sunday's cabinet meeting, but declined to comment. The shared post was deleted from Yair' facebook page a day later.
"This is one of those things that is just so fun, you feel really glad that it happened. Like, the type of thing that makes you remember how thankful you are for having been born," the article's writer enthused, before going on to list several traditional racial slurs attributed to Jews, who are "naturally parasites" and "blood suckers."
The article is accompanied by a picture of a vampire in action to illustrate the point.
The caricature shared by Netanyahu on his Facebook page, titled "The food chain", depicts Hungarian-Jewish billionaire George Soros followed by a lizard-man and another figure that appears to resemble Nazi caricatures of old.
Farther down the food chain is former prime minister Ehud Barak dangling a bill before two of the Petah Tikva protest's organizers Eldad Yaniv and Meni Naftali.
Naftali is also a witness in the different prime minister's residence cases and features in the cartoon with a tray of food dangling over his head in an apparent allusion to the prime minister's accusations that he was responsible for offences involving the purchase of lavish meals at the prime minister's residence currently being attributed to his wife Sara Netanyahu.
Ehud Barak tweeted in response: Is that what the child hears at home? What is it, genetics or a mental illness? Does not matter. In any case it is very worthwhile that we hire for him a psychiatrist, and not a security guard and a driver."
In response, Yair wrote Saturday on Facebook: "I hope Ehud did not tweet about me from his place in Boston (between one dubious deal and the next) while drunk with whiskey (as I remember him being). It's time for geriatric care, Ehud."
Alt-right activist and former leader of the Ku Klux Klan David Duke tweeted about the affair, writing "Netanyahu's son posts a meme suggesting Soros is controlling the world."