
Photo: Reuters, AFP
Abbas and Heniyeh
Photo: Reuters, AFP

Hamas ready to reconcile with Fatah with no conditions

After months of infighting that led PA President Mahmoud Abbas to cut funds and slash salaries leaving Gaza in economic straits, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh says organization willing to hold reconciliation talks with the PA.

Ismail Haniyeh, political chief of Hamas, said the organization is ready to talk reconciliation with the rival government of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas without preconditions.



Hamas had previously demanded that Abbas halt a series of measures taken against the Islamic militant group before sitting down to discuss a reconciliation deal.


Mahmoud Abbas (L) and Ismail Heniyeh (Photo: Reuters, AFP)
Mahmoud Abbas (L) and Ismail Heniyeh (Photo: Reuters, AFP)


Abbas cut electricity in Gaza and slashed the salaries of tens of thousands of public servants in a bid to compel Hamas to dissolve a contentious committee it formed to run the territory in defiance of Abbas' government.


In a statement Monday following a meeting with Egyptian officials in Cairo, the group said it was prepared to dissolve the committee.


The rival Palestinian factions split in 2007 when Hamas violently routed forces loyal to Abbas from Gaza. Repeated attempts at reconciliation have since failed.


פרסום ראשון: 09.11.17, 23:54
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