The Israel Police dismissed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's accusation that they are responsible for "a tsunami of leaks" regarding the investigations against him, calling them "baseless attacks" and slamming him for undermining the rule of law.
"The Israel Police is doing its work in accordance with the law and the state, and we will not be dragged into baseless attacks designed to disrupt the work of the police and undermine the legitimacy of the rule of law," a police spokesperson said Saturday night in response to Netanyahu's allegations.
Netanyahu was unhappy with reports the police intends to continue investigating both cases in which he is suspected of bribery: namely, the investigation into the illicit gifts he allegedly received from rich donors (also known as Case 1000), and his talks with Yedioth Ahronoth owner Arnon Mozes on gaining more favorable coverage in return for promoting legislation against Yedioth's rival newspaper Israel Hayom (also known as Case 2000).
According to Channel 2 News, police investigators intend to question Netanyahu again, some time over the next two weeks. Netanyahu will also reportedly be required to testify in the submarines affair (also known as Case 3000)—in which he is currently not a suspect—at a later date.
"When Police Commissioner Alsheikh started his term, he made two important decisions: that there would be no more leaks from police investigations, and that the police will not make recommendations (on indictment) anymore," Netanyahu said on Saturday night.
"Ever since political advisor Lior Horev was appointed as an external advisor to the police—at a cost of millions (of shekels) at the expense of the taxpayer and without a tender—the illegal leaks became a tsunami and the decision not to make recommendations is as if it never happened."
Political Advisor Lior Horev commented that the reasons behind Netanyahu's allegations were obvious.
"I wasn't hired to be a commentator on the prime minister's posts, I do my work professionally and responsibly," Horev said, adding that "it is clear to everyone the reason for the timing of his accusations and both his direct and covert objectives (for making them)."
Internal Security Minister Gilad Erdan asked Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit to examine Netanyahu's allegations.
Former prime minister Ehud Barak responded to Netanyahu's attack, tweeting: "It's starting. Netanyahu is on his way out, ready to burn the country, a despicable and dangerous persecution of the state's institutions. When the law threatens Bibi, Bibi threatens the law."
In August, the police extended the gag order on information pertainig to the ongoing investigations against Netanyahu. When requesting the order, police revealed to the court that Netanyahu is suspected of bribery, fraud and breach of trust.
Arnon Mozes is the publisher and owner of Yedioth Ahronoth Group, which includes Ynet and Ynetnews.