Alan Parsons
Photo: Eli Segal
Alan Parsons says no longer in touch with Roger Waters
Legendary musician Alan Parsons returns to Israel for two shows, Thursday and Saturday night; before visit, Roger Waters asked him to boycott Israel for BDS movement; Parsons declined, two are now no longer in touch; 'Politicians should stick to politics, musicians should stick to music,' he says.
Iconic producer Alan Parsons, who worked with both the Beatles and Pink Floyd and is a rock & roll legend in his own right, arrived to Israel Wednesday for two performances, his third visit to the country.
The last time Parsons visited Israel, he managed to create a mini-controversy when he was contacted before his arrival by colleague and BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) activist Roger Waters who asked him—as he has asked almost every performer who comes to Israel—to refrain from coming to the Holy Land.
Parsons refused Waters's request and performed in Haifa Thursday, with another performance set for Saturday night. This marks Parson's third visit to perform in Israel.
Denying Waters his request to boycott Israel was perhaps not quite simple for the artist, who collaborated with the habitual Israel-basher on the classic "Dark Side of the Moon" album in the early 1970s.
Alan Parson's Ynet studio interview (צילום: אלי סגל)
"He did appeal to me to join his cultural boycott and I completely ignored it. I said that I have no reason that I should not come to Israel. I ignored his appeal," parsons said in a special Ynet studio interview.
Asked whether his refusal affected his relationship with the former Pink Floyd bassist and vocalist, Parsons said it caused them to grow apart. "We're no longer in touch. (I told Waters) Politicians should stick to politics and musicians should stick to music," he said.
Parsons then went on to speak about nostalgia, the music industry currently in flux and what his audience can expect from his Israeli performances, which—contrary to his previous outings—will be sans special Israeli guests.
Parsons performed at the Haifa International Convention Center on Thursday and will give a concluding performance at Tel Aviv's Menora Mivtachim Arena Saturday night.