
The terrorist's home

IDF demolishes Beit Surik home of Har Adar terrorist

Israeli forces destroy home of Nimer Jamal, who murdered two Israeli civilian security guards and a Border Policeman at Har Adar checkpoint in September; troops also seize weapons, terror funds and arrest two suspects in overnight raids elsewhere in West Bank.

IDF, Border Police and Civil Administration forces demolished the home of terrorist Nimer Jamal of Beit Surik overnight Tuesday.



Jamal murdered two security guards—Youssef Ottman and Or Arish—and a Border Policeman—Staff Sergeant Solomon Gavriya—in a shooting attack at a checkpoint at the settlement of Har Adar in September.


Military security coordinator Amit Steinhart was seriously wounded in the attack.


Demolition of terrorist's home

Demolition of terrorist's home


שליחה לחבר

 הקלידו את הקוד המוצג
תמונה חדשה

הסרטון נשלח לחברך


הטמעת הסרטון באתר שלך

 קוד להטמעה:


Abraham Arish, whose son Or was murdered by the terrorist, said the house demolition was not enough. "The demolition of terrorists' homes has not proven itself, and there is no deterrence," he said.


Arish called on the government to promote the expulsion of terrorists' families. "I've met with the Knesset's speaker about the matter, and I plan to promote this legislation," he said. "I believe if this vile person had known his family would be expelled, he would've been more deterred."


Issam Othman, Youssef's father, welcomed the demolition. "The candy that was handed out in Ramallah when my son was murdered has now gotten the bitter taste of poison," he said, adding however that "I would've liked them to tear down the house from its foundations. I hope the demolition of the terrorist's home would send a message to anyone whose soul beckons him to carry out attacks against Jews. A terrorist who is going to hell should know he is also sending his family to hell here."


The terrorist's demolished home in Har Adar (Photo: Elior Levy)
The terrorist's demolished home in Har Adar (Photo: Elior Levy)


The attack took place while a security force was opening the settlement's peripheral traffic route.


Palestinian day laborers were nearing the checkpoint at the back entry to Har Adar in the early morning when one aroused the suspicions of Border Police and civil security forces while he was still on the Palestinian side.


Forces then initiated the suspect arrest protocol and ordered him to stop. When the terrorist realized he'd been made, he opened his shirt, drew a gun and fired at the guards and policemen at short range.


He was then shot dead by the Border Policemen.



The terrorist Nimer Jamal
The terrorist Nimer Jamal


The terrorist, 37-year-old Nimer Jamal, had a work permit for the West Bank seam zone. The father-of-four had no prior security offenses.


In addition to the home demolition, IDF forces conducted raids in other areas in the West Bank, seizing two makeshift weapons and two guns in the villages of Yatta and Al-Ram. In Abida, forces seized thousands of shekels meant to fund terror activity.


In addition, two wanted Palestinians suspected of terror activity and rioting were arrested.


פרסום ראשון: 11.15.17, 08:28
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