
Photo: EPA
Netanyahu and Putin at the march
Photo: EPA

Russian intelligence foils terror attack on Moscow march

20 people arrested and 17 homes search in investigation into plot by terror groups in western Siberia to attack Victory Day memorial march, attended by Putin and PM Netanyahu.

MOSCOW - Russian intelligence foiled a terror attack on this week's massive Victory Day memorial march in Moscow, a top Russian diplomat said on Friday.



About 1 million people marched through central Moscow on Wednesday in the annual Immortal Regiment rally, carrying pictures of family members killed in World War II. President Vladimir Putin and visiting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu joined the march on May 9, the day when Russia marks the end of the war.


Netanyahu attends the rally as Putin's guest (Photo: EPA)
Netanyahu attends the rally as Putin's guest (Photo: EPA)

Deputy Foreign Minister Oleg Syromolotov said in an interview with the Tass news agency on Friday that several terror groups in western Siberia had stockpiled weapons for the attack. Twenty people have been detained and 17 homes were searched as part of the investigation, he said.


Netanyahu attends the rally in Moscow    (צילום: לע"מ)

Netanyahu attends the rally in Moscow   (Video: GPO)


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The announcement came as Russia is gearing up to host the World Cup next month.


Russia's top intelligence agency last month reported the arrests of men suspected to have links to the Islamic State group in Siberia and the Moscow region.


The Immortal Regiment rally in Moscow (Photo: AP)
The Immortal Regiment rally in Moscow (Photo: AP)


The FSB agency said four members of the suspected ISIS "sleeper cell" were detained in the Moscow region after they traveled from Novy Urengoi, an oil town in western Siberia.


The FSB said they plotted attacks in Moscow and were receiving orders from ISIS members in Syria via a messaging app.


The Immortal Regiment rally in Moscow (Photo: Reuters)
The Immortal Regiment rally in Moscow (Photo: Reuters)


Oil and gas-rich western Siberia has for decades attracted workers from all over Russia, including the predominantly Muslim North Caucasus.


Russia has been providing air cover for Syrian President Bashar Assad since 2015, while thousands of its own citizens went off to Syria to join ISIS in fighting against Assad's government.


פרסום ראשון: 05.11.18, 20:42
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