Nati Rom
Photo: Lev HaOlam
Nati Rom, a settler from the illegal outpost of Esh Kodesh, is urging Switzerland to move its embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, after the United States, Guatemala and Paraguay all made the move.
Rom's organization Lev HaOlam ("Heart of the World") turned to the Federal Democratic Union of Switzerland (EDU)—a minor political party—seeking their help in convincing the Swiss government to move the country's diplomatic representation in Israel to the capital.
Lev HaOlam bringing petition and care packages to Swiss FM (צילום: "לב העולם")
With the help of the EDU, Lev HaOlam submitted a petition to the Foreign Ministry in Bern, demanding to move the embassy. The petition was signed by some 20,000 people.
"It's important to understand there are a lot of people who see the great hypocrisy in the treatment of Israel, and they won't have it," Rom said. "They support Israel, and the Lev HaOlam organization meets with them all the time. We hear voices, which are gaining in strength, of citizens from different countries who call for an end to the hypocritical treatment of Israel."
In addition to the petition, the Lev HaOlam organization also sent the Swiss Foreign Ministry a care package from West Bank settlements, including oil, wine and chocolate.
The EDU is a nationalist-conservative party, whose members say it has been working to move the embassy in Israel to the capital since the party's foundation in 1975. The party's core principles are based on the values of the Bible, and the party holds conservative positions on family, society and education.