Watch drone in action intercepting burning kites from Gaza
In bid to counter kites flown from Gaza which have proven a menace to Israel's southern town as farmland is set ablaze, Defense Ministry purchases lightweight drones that tear into primitive weapon, knocking 150 out of the skies in the last week alone.
The drone, weighing a meager 600g, is equipped with a camera that offers an up-close view of the moment when it tears into the incoming kites carrying Molotov Cocktails, and chopping them down in their path.
Two Gaza residents were indicted on a series of terror charges on Monday for flying incendiary kites towards Israeli territory and setting fire to a field in Israel.
The first purchase of the kite-intercepting drones was made on the night of the Passover seder (feast) and continued through the following week. Within a short time span, the Defense Ministry’s weapons-development department managed to adapt the 220cm quadcopter to provide a solution to the kites, which have proven a menace to Israel’s communities adjacent to the border.
The drones were also adapted to supply a countermeasure to other existing threats posed by the Gaza rioters. The IDF, for example, affixed the drones with tear-gas grenades which could be used for riot-dispersal.
While some of the drones were shot down by Palestinians, with one such instance being aired on the Al-Jazeera news channel, the vast majority were able to bolster Israel’s defense capabilities against the kites—bringing down 150 last week alone—and improve its ability to distance protesters from the border fence.